We understand the frustration of residents and we are doing our utmost to halt the further stagnation of the site.
We share in our neighbour’s frustration and feel discouraged by the bureaucracy and the lack of cooperation of law enforcement which we have encountered.
We hope to commence redevelopment of the property as soon as possible.

Updates for 124 Walnut St.
📅  2022-09-04
📅  2022-09-02
📅  2022-09-01
📅  2022-08-30
We have received a complaint about our approach and the perception of being angry at politicians by the erection of the sign on the property. The complainant believes that it cheapens the area and that it has no regard for the residents. This statement could not be further from the truth…
  1. We have spent thousands of dollars in cleaning and barricading the area (much more than is required by law!)
  2. We have not only engaged a private security company to perform regular patrols but in the weeks ahead we will be installing lighting and security cameras as further deterrents. This of course depends on getting power to the site which presents some challenges which we are looking to overcome.
  3. We have tried to engaged every candidate in ward 2 with an invitation to advertise on the sign and to get acquainted with the issues at hand so they can be aware of the plight of the residents and the history of the building.
  4. We have communicated with the local police and empowered them to become more proactive in handling any issues that may arise.
  5. For over two years, the street corner has had unsightly signage riddled with graffiti which seemingly didn’t bother anyone, but suddenly when a fresh “strategy” is deployed it bothers someone.
  6. The election of the new signage is temporary and has no downside for the residents. On the contrary, it aims at removing apathy and stagnation. For decades the residents were not aware what is going on and now when something proactive is happening and it’s communicated effectively someone gets offended and the reasons are bewildering.
  7. There is no hidden agenda and if anyone is concerned about what will happen to the site there will be plenty of time of due process and public consultation. However, these processes are bureaucratic and take time (months or years) and we don’t want that time to allow the property to stagnate further. Working against stagnation requires energy and awareness, we can’t do it without the support of the neighbours, the police and yes the politicians.
  8. We have received numerous compliments and encouragement from residents in the area and the last thing we want is to antagonise anyone.
📅  2022-08-25
📅  2022-08-16
📅  2022-08-08
We are happy that municipal law enforcement department is trying to do their job but we take exception to the priority and manner in which this is handled. It is a "band aid attempt" which is an uncoordinated effort by the very same entity which is enabling the stagnation of the site. Legal opinion is sought in this regard.
📅  2022-08-01
📅  2022-07-27
📅  2022-07-21
📅  2022-07-18
May be an interesting strategy deployed by intruders in outsourcing the break down of the barriers to gain access!
📅  2022-07-15
Unsafe construction-YES, Heaps of Garbage-YES, Drug Needles-YES, Crack Pipes-YES, Feces-YES, Fires-YES, Camping-Yes, Access Controlled Barb Wire-NO!
📅  2022-07-14
📅  2022-05-31
📅  2022-05-16
Finally received a response on 2022-08-30 that they would look into it. It took over three months to get a response. The City is currently inquiring if we have drawings of the sewage layout. The building has been vacant for 35 years and has no sewage pipes. It is important to note, that the building was owned by the City of Hamilton themselves between 1998 and 2003. We certainly hope they have the records they are seeking.
📅  2022-03-08
📅  2022-02-14
📅  2021-05-08 to 2022-02-28
📅  ..2021
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